Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Taking The Keys Away

For most people, driving is a necessity as well as a symbol of independence. There are very few people that will easily give up their independence and give you the keys to their vehicle. Yet for individuals with Alzheimer's disease, driving a vehicle can pose serious risks and endanger themselves or others. The decision of when to stop driving is one that Alzheimer's patients and their families often face.
There are many opinions concerning the issue of driving for the Alzheimer's patient. If he trusts his physician, the doctor may have more success than the primary care giver in letting the patient know when to stop driving. The physician may be trusted by the patient and be able to explain to him that his medical condition may interfere with his driving. This scenario is good for the caregiver as it takes the responsibility off you and puts it on the medical condition, with the physician being the messenger.
Below you will find some guidelines for approaching this sensitive issue with your family and your loved one. Ask your relatives to back you by being pleasantly supportive of your loved one. For a while, make sure he has a ride to familiar frequented places. Routine is so important.
Humor is almost always a positive way to cope with this situation. A fun way of approaching the subject is to tell him how lucky he is to have his own chauffeur!
However, knowing when to take the keys out of his hands can become tricky. Here are some warning signs that will help you make the decision:
  • Car accidents
  • Stopping in traffic for no apparent reason.
  • Getting confused between the brake and the gas pedals
  • Getting a ticket for moving violations
  • Getting lost when places are familiar
  • Getting agitated or irritated when they are driving
  • Not anticipating dangerous situations
  • Delayed responses to unexpected situations
  • Driving at inappropriate speeds
  • Incorrect signaling
  • Getting confused at exists
  • Switching into a wrong lane
If some of the warning signs above are present, then it's time for family members to gather and discuss the problem. Sometimes it is easier to be together to face a difficult decision and intervene at an early stage when signs of impairment are not yet critical
The accident rate for drivers 85 years old and over is nine times higher than drivers between ages 25 and 69. The primary care giver may perform routine exams to assess the ability and skills of the patient and conform to state and local restrictions and laws. If you are concerned about your loved one's driving, take measures to keep him and others safe on the road.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

How To Lower Health Dangers

We all know the frustration: you walk into the doctor's office for your appointment with the doctor or nurse practitioner. You wait for 15 minutes, 30 minutes, maybe an hour. And when you're finally in the room, you get 10 minutes in which your healthcare provider looks at your chart, asks for your "main complaint" and then writes a prescription or sends you to another specialist or tells you that there isn't anything much that can be done.
Believe it or not, your healthcare provider finds it frustrating, too. People who become health care workers do so because they want to provide help and care, but new health care systems and higher patient loads make it increasingly difficult to do so.
How Can I Get More Out Of My Doctor's Appointment?
As a patient, you can help make the appointment a positive experience for yourself, just by following these tips:
1. Before your next appointment, create a small notebook that's your dedicated to your health: a "healthbook." Don't use it for shopping or to-do lists - it's dedicated to the precious resource of your health.
2. Your healthbook should have an updated list of include the medications you are on, what they are for, and how much you take, including over the counter drugs; bring this list to every appointment.
3. If there's a list of things you're coming in for, tell the physician right away; the two of you should decide what can be managed on this visit and what should to wait.
4. Make sure you know what you've made the appointment for. Date a healthbook page and write down your needs and questions before you go.
5. Ask provider to write complex medical terms and drug names in your healthbook; if needed ask what they mean. If you'd like a diagram to help explain, your healthbook can be used for that, as well.
6. Tell the truth about what's going on, even if the problem is embarrassing or hard to describe. If you're not sure why you're being asked something , ask!
7. Find out what services your doctor's office offers: online copies of your records or test results? A special help-line or nurse practitioners to help with refills? Find out so that you don't need to deal with those things during your precious time in the office.
8. Outside of the office, learn about your health. What does it mean to have high blood pressure? Ask for booklets your doctor provides; read books geared towards patients; many local libraries will have videos on various conditions.
9. If you have a condition that may make communication difficult (e.g. you are hearing- or sight-impaired) or English is a difficult language for you, make sure that you bring a friend or relative who knows the communication ropes to your appointment, especially if this is the first time you've visited with this doctor.
10. Last but not least, remember that your healthcare provider likes working with patients - you can work together to have satisfying, helpful appointments!
"Eleven things you should talk to your doctor about," Harvard Health Letter, Volume 29, issue 5, March 2004
"A Day Spent Learning How To Satisfy Patients," Managed Care Magazine, September 1997
Cherry D.K., et al. "National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey: 2001 Summary," U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics. Volume 337, p 1-44, 2003

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

There Are Contact Lenses For Every Need

New technology with computers, such as the introduction of the internet has really allowed people convenient and comfortable ways to shop. You can order just about anything over the internet, including ordering contact lenses online. Shopping on the internet is not only popular, but it is becoming more and more useful. Before you were able to purchase contacts online, one of the only ways to obtain your contacts was through your eye doctor. However, as wonderful and handy as it is to order your contact lens online, there are a few things you will want to take into account and remember.
Before you order contact lenses online, or anywhere for that matter, you must first ensure that you have an up to date prescription with you at all times. The only legal way to purchase contacts in the United States is with a valid prescription issued by your optometrist. It is not that you will be involved in any legal trouble if you don't have a valid prescription and order contacts online, but you will be liable for anything that happens to your eyes. What could happen to your eyes you wonder? Well, if you wear contacts that are not fitted to the proper shape and size of your eye, you can cause damage to your vision; not to mention that they would feel most uncomfortable to wear. Remember, before you order contact lenses online and you haven't had an eye examination in the last two years, see your optometrist first! You may find you need a new prescription.
The contact lenses online that you can purchase, are from a variety of popular brand names like Acuvue, Johnson & Johnson, FreshLook and Focus. Each of these brands have their own different contact lens product that they sell for the different conditions of peoples eyes. For example, you can purchase the contact lens online that is called toric. Toric contact lenses are for those who suffer from astigmatism. You can also obtain contacts online that are for bifocal correction, or that color your eyes. Colored contact lenses online come in many varieties of brands and colors. These are one of the most popular of the contact lens online to be ordered. The reason for this is because they are designed for everyone to wear; those who have perfect 20/20 vision can purchase them. It is for this very reason why you should have your eyes checked, even if your vision is perfect. Remember, wearing colored contacts that do not properly fit the shape of your eye can be damaging.
Be a smart shopper when you purchase your contact lenses online. Learn about all of the great discounts that you can receive. Use your critical thinking skills when ordering contact lenses online, and you won't ever need to worry about what you wear in your eyes!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Let Your Mind Decide Your Kind of Training

There are thousands and thousands of fitness tips, training
techniques, fitness equipments and experts that tell you how to gain
fitness and what the best ways are to train your body. It's easy to
feel confused and to spend large amounts of money on things that
later turn out to be disappointments. And then you might never want
to try again.
You don't have to follow other people's ideas of fitness and training.
There will always be new trends and fashions in all aspects of life.
To gain fitness, the least important thing is caring about the latest
outfit or expensive training equipment.
The important thing is to ask yourself
these few questions:
What makes me feel good?
What do I like to do?
When am I happy?
Make a personal choice!
After asking yourself these questions you should make your own choice.
You need to find your own personal ways to keeping fit. If you don't
want to go to the local gym or join the football club, maybe you
prefer putting on some good music and creating a new dance of your
own in your living room a couple of times per week? Or maybe you'd
want to play hide-and-seek in the park with your next door neighbours
every Friday? Let your mood be the driving force! Discover the
feeling of joy and pleasure that comes with moving your body! The
season offers lots of opportunities: Outdoor activities such as
walking, cycling, swimming and different ball games are fun and easy
and mostly they don't require large investments. What makes you feel
happy? Don't ask yourself what others might like. Find your own way!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

7 Proven Ways to Resist

When you decide to stop smoking the most difficult part is to resist the urges. It doesn't matter that each craving lasts only 3-5 minutes. It's still the whole 5 minutes to battle with your willpower! These 7 tips will help you to resist the urge to smoke one urge at a time.
1. Remind Yourself Why You Quit
Every time you experience a craving remind yourself why you quit. It's the excellent idea to take a blank index card and list all the reasons why you decided to quit smoking. List as many as you can, the more the better. If necessary, take the second index card. Carry them with you all the time. Every time you feel the urge to smoke take the index card and slowly read all your reasons why you decided to stop. After you finish reading your urge will pass! (If not, read them one more time or come up with more reasons.)
2. Reward Yourself.
Make it a habit to reward yourself at the end of each nonsmoking week. Think of something you want (it doesn’t have to be something expensive, a nice home made meal or hot bath will work). Take the index card and write down what would you give yourself at the end of the week. When the urge comes take a look at the index card with your reward. Isn't it worth coping for 3 minutes? :)
3. Be prepared for your urges!
Get yourself prepared for the urge to smoke in advance. In most cases something triggers the craving (certain feelings, people, or places). You have to know what triggers the urge.
Lets do a really quick exercise. Take a blank piece of paper and divide it into 2 columns. On the one side list your triggers (like “stuck in traffic”, “drinking morning coffee”, “arguing with colleague”...) and in the second column write down the alternative course of action.
For example, instead of smoking while drinking your morning coffee you could read a newspaper. Instead of smoking after the hot argument with your colleague you can take a walk around a block or write down everything you think about this person, then tier this piece of paper in shreds and throw it away. Don't be lazy, write it down! This exercise really works!
4. Call your friend.
This method works great. Call someone who can support you, who can talk with you for a couple of minutes. You can call your nonsmoking friend, or someone who's trying to quit smoking too.
5. Distract yourself with a quick task.
Think of a small task you have to do, something what would take you 5-10 minutes. Make a call, send a fax, make yourself a cup of coffee, water the plant in your office. Anything! Your task is to distract yourself until the urge will pass. (Hint: Try to find activity that makes smoking impossible!)
6. Drink a Glass of Water.
Take a glass of water and drink it with a straw. First of all having something in your mouth to chew on will help, second it will take you a couple of minutes to drink the whole glass and the urge will pass. Plus, don't forget that you're supposed to drink 8 glasses of water every day!
7. Power Tip.
That’s the disgusting one, but it often works. Print a small picture of smoker's lungs (you can find one here: [http://www.quitsmokingsupport.com/lungphotos.html]) and put it somewhere in your wallet. I know the view is not pretty, but something like this can stop you dead on your track from lighting up. Take a look! Really! THIS could be your lungs! You love yourself, and you respect your body. Why harm yourself?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Alcohol and Drug Rehab Treatment

Choosing the right alcohol or drug rehab center can make all the difference when it comes to entering long-term recovery from an addiction. The task of finding the “right” drug rehab center is complicated by the fact that there are over 13,000 drug rehab facilities around the country. Each of these treatment centers is unique, but being unique does not necessarily mean that they are all equally good. It does, however, mean that you have many drug rehab centers to choose from and if you do not find the right one immediately you should continue searching as there are many high quality centers.
Here are ten questions to help you in your search for the right drug or alcohol rehab facility.
1. How does the treatment center define success and what is their success rate?
Many drug treatment facilities will have had independent reviews of their success. However, success can be measured in many ways. One treatment center may say they have a 74% success rate, but only be considering clients who remain sober for 6 months; another center may claim a 68% rate based on the results of clients after one year. Whatever their claimed success rate you will want to know how they measured it and what they consider success.
2. Are they accredited as a drug rehab center? And if so by whom?
There are a handful of national accreditation organizations including Joint Commission On Accreditation Of Healthcare Organizations (JACHO) and Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF), among others. Organizations accredited by these bodies frequently have undergone site reviews and have measured up to national standards.
3. What are the credentials of their staff?
Most states have a system for credentialing drug and alcohol counselors. These individuals may be Certified Addictions Counselors (CAC) or Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselors (CADC). These are minimum certifications, lead counselors should hold be MSW or LCSW level or higher.
4. Do they provide medically supervised withdrawal?
With some drugs proper withdrawal supervision can be a matter of life or death. If the treatment center does not have a detox center can they recommend one for attendance prior to treatment.
5. What does a typical week in their drug rehab facility look like?
There should be a balance of group and individual therapy. Education sessions, opportunities for reflection and support groups along with other components.
6. Can the provide testimonials?
True, no treatment center would put on display their failures, but they should be able to tell you about their successes.
7. How do they assist in setting up aftercare?
Aftercare has been found to be crucial to the success of long-term recovery. A good treatment center should either offer aftercare of be able to assist you in locating aftercare in your community.
8. Do they have a diverse group of counselors, and how will you be matched up?
One of the primary determinants of treatment success is a good client-counselor relationship. Therefore, a match between counselor and client should be worked towards.
9. What is their treatment modality or philosophy?
Find out if they are 12-step oriented, use motivational, cognitive or behavioral therapies, and then ask them to explain any terms you might not understand.
10. Do they work with your insurance company or can they set-up a payment plan?
Make sure you ask if they can work with your insurance company, or if your insurance does not pay for treatment work out how payment is to be handled.
Use a systematic program for identifying treatment centers which may be right for you. You may wish to print these questions out and keep a separate worksheet for each center’s answers. Remember, the right drug rehab center is waiting for you to call today.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Health News

The hurricanes have been beating Florida to a pulp and causing untold property damage in that area of the country.
I have two good friends who live in the Tampa area, so I've been calling down there frequently to check on things.
I've already told you much about my friend Matt. And as you know, he and his family were over in China for awhile, so they missed much of the action (which is a good thing)
But my other good friend, Chet Rowland lives in Clearwater Beach, and he didn't miss a thing.
In fact, I was watching my local news here in Seattle a couple weeks ago, and here's this reporter doing a story on the Florida hurricanes.
But here's the catch...
She's standing on Clearwater Beach, with the pier in the background, trying to stay on her feet as the wind is howling through at incredible speeds.
I couldn't believe it!
Not just because of the winds, but because I saw the pier in the background.
I recognized that pier, because it's just down the beach from where my friend Chet lives..
So what do I do?
I immediately pick up the phone and give him a call.
Isn't it funny how we react when we're concerned about those we care about?
As the story unfolded, Chet, and those who live in that area didn't fair too badly. But there were plenty of others who were seriously hurt by the hurricanes.
In fact, Chet even commented, "I'll bet you're going to have a lot of people from this area calling you as a result of these hurricanes."
And he was right.
You see, in addition to running the Health Articles and News Update site, I'm also an indoor air quality expert, and my specialty is in black mold.
I work with people across the country, showing them how to locate, clean-up and prevent mold growth in their homes and workplaces.
Anyways, let me get on with the story.
I think it was only a couple days after I'd talked with Chet.
I get this email from a client in Florida.
She starts telling me how she had bought some of my products a few months ago (before the hurricanes). I'll just go ahead and share it with you.
Here it is...
Kevin, I've been having health problems for months. After watching a news story on black mold, it got me thinking.
I then went on the internet and started doing some research and that's when I found your.
I was a little skeptical to order anything online, but since you had that 30-day trial offer, I decided to give you a try.
I got your package in the mail and was amazed by everything you covered. You took me step by step through the process and made it so easy for me to find the mold problem in my home.
It ended up being water leak from the washing machine that was causing all the damage.
We got it fixed, and now I've never felt better. You have no idea what it's like to have my health back again, and I want to thank you for that.
And now, with all these hurricanes, a lot of our friends will be needing your help too.
I'm helping them as much as I can, but I'm no expert, so I'm also telling them how to get in touch with you.
I'm so glad there are still people like you in this world who are willing to help others, especially in a time like this.
Betty Wiggins
And she wasn't kidding either.
It's like Chet and Betty both had a vision of the future.
We've had tons of people calling from the Florida area, and we've been making sure they get the help they need.
You see, people in Florida are now forced to deal with the water damage that's been done to their homes because it's so extensive.
But most people don't realize how important it is to take care of any water damage, and to do so right away!
Water problems that aren't addressed will escalate into a full blown mold problem, and this puts you and everyone in your home at risk.
Because the demand has been so high, I'm offering a no-charge teleseminar on October 11th in order to help get this valuable information into your hands.
If you (or anyone you know) needs to find out how to wipe out the black mold threat in your home, you won't want to miss out on this.
Here's just some of the topics we'll be discussing:
  • The 5 tell-tale danger signs of black mold... any one of these puts you, your family, and your home at risk
  • How to find out if black mold is the cause of your health problems -- without a visit to the doctor's office
  • The 3-step method to locating mold... that anyone can do, without spending a fortune to hire a professional

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Nursing Home Appropriate for the Alzheimer's Patient

Caring for an Alzheimer's patient can be a huge burden. When it becomes too hard and too time consuming for you to take care of your loved one, it may be time to look for a nursing home.
When you feel comfortable, then you can start planning ahead which will help avoid crisis situations later. You may not ever need a nursing home, but act in a proactive manner just in case the day comes. It is well known that making decisions in a crisis situation can be very difficult and stressful on everyone, so make sure you plan ahead of time.
You may find information and a list of nursing homes in your area from your local Alzheimer's Association, or an elder law firm. They are most likely to have a list of facilities that offer dementia care or at least a dementia unit.
When you find the nursing home that will be the most appropriate for your loved one with Alzheimer's, make sure you check the following:
  • What is its appearance? When was their license accredited?
  • Is the facility location convenient for you and your family for frequent visits?
  • How does the staff react to questions -- are their greetings warm and welcoming, do they interact with your loved one?
  • How well do the resident participants socialize with other people?
  • Are visits allowed and are they encouraged?
  • What is the staff ratio per patient? It should be at least 1 staff member for 8 persons.
  • Is it possible to take a tour of the facility and the rooms?
  • If there is a waiting list, how long will it take before your loved one can be accepted?
  • Do they have a single room or do they share with another patient?
  • Are these rooms furnished or unfurnished? If unfurnished, you will be able to bring your own furniture and decorate your room as wanted.
  • Are there elevators? What kind of emergency plan do they have if a patient needs to be evacuated promptly?
  • How do they handle patients that wander and what kind of security do they have?
These are some of the questions you can ask on your first visit. You can always come back later or give them a call later if you have other questions.
Another aspect of the nursing home to take into consideration is the financial issue. Most insurance companies will not cover these costs. When your loved one is being admitted in the nursing home you selected, the admittance staff will be able to assist you and discuss the payment options with you.
Make sure to ask what is included in the fees or contract:
  • Is there an ongoing process for assessing a resident's need for services and how often are those needs evaluated?
  • What additional services and staff are available if the resident's needs change?
  • Is there an agreement available which discloses healthcare, accommodations, personal care and supportive services, all fees, and admission and discharge provisions, emergency services if necessary?
  • Is there any government or other programs available that may help covering the costs?
  • What happens if funds are used up and full payments can no longer be made. Does the facility accept Medicaid?
You want as well to have a good knowledge of the environment and the type of healthcare your loved one is going to receive:
  • What type of healthcare and personal care are available? Do they have routine exams available, like vision and dental?
  • What is the qualification of the staff members?
  • Is the staff available to assist residents who experience memory loss or disorientation, and how do they handle it?
  • Does the staff take care of the doctor's appointments? Do they drive them over there and wait for them?
There is one more thing to consider when deciding if the nursing home is appropriate for your loved one with Alzheimer's. Will he/she be happier than at home? Many people do quite well in nursing homes.
Once your loved one enters the nursing home, he/she can still leave for short trips to sleep over at family and friends. If he/she is unhappy, a transfer to another facility or a return home with assisted living may be an option.
You may also doubt how beneficial a dementia care unit can be for your loved one who has Alzheimer's. If the dementia unit is developed and staffed correctly, it can be very valuable. The idea of a dementia care unit is to provide specialized care. This includes staff training specifically for dementia, smaller units to ease feelings of being overwhelmed, a quieter environment to prevent over-stimulation, and a locked unit safe for wandering and pacing. Wandering and pacing are symptoms that most Alzheimer's patients experience. Instead of trying to stop them from this behavior, dementia units let them continue it in safe surroundings. Most facilities for Alzheimer's care have their own activity director and many times the direct care staff are also trained to participate in activities with the residents with dementia.
To obtain more information on facilities in your area that offer dementia care units for Alzheimer's patients, contact your state's Department on Aging.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Dentist Might Stop Your Next Heart Attack

As the Webmaster for a site dedicated to helping people save money when they go to the dentist, I find myself having to consistently fight two different and distinct battles; one against the average Americans reluctance to pay the high cost of modern dental care and the other is the same Americans belief that seeing a dentist regularly just isn't that important.
The first battle I have a decent chance of winning but the second battle I've had to throw my hands up in surrender; I mean if someone doesn't care about their teeth enough to have them taken care of by a dentist, what can I possibly say to convince them otherwise?
How about this; "Did you know that your next visit to the dentist could prevent a heart attack?"
Medical researchers have known for years now that there's a definite link between gum disease (i.e. gingivitis) and persons' risk for a heart disease. Evidence is mounting, however, that information gleaned from a routine panoramic dental X-rays-wide-angle frontal images --taken to establish the baseline condition of teeth and surrounding bone-- may serve as an accurate early-warning system of risk of dying from heart attack or stroke.
According to researchers at the University of Buffalo School of Dental medicine, a study of 818 teeth and jaw x-rays of Pima Indians in Arizona found that those who had a build-up of calcified plaque in the carotid arteries were twice as likely to die from heart attack or stroke. Normally, calcified plaque is present in only about 3 percent of the general population.
An earlier study of 2,700 dental patients showed calcium deposits on each side of the carotid arteries can be spotted in x-rays of the teeth and jaw bone.
It makes sense that the dental x-rays would see the carotid artery --which carries blood from the heart to the brain and back-- so dentists should be aware that it is screening tool for cardiovascular disease. If they see signs of calcification in dental x-rays, they tell the patient to see his or her doctor ASAP.
BOTTOM LINE: Most dental insurance plans allow you a yearly dental exam at little or no cost so schedule a complete check-up, including x-rays, with your dentist ASAP. If you don't have dental insurance, consider enrolling in a discount dental plan that fits your budget and then go see a dentist ASAP.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

3 Methods for Clearing Mental

Many adults with ADD have a hard time slowing down their brains. Thoughts often come at whirlwind speed, and it can be hard to concentrate on the tasks at hand when so many other thoughts are floating around in the brain. I call this "mental clutter."
Often times, mental clutter is made up of worries and bad feelings. (Very few people get overwhelmed by the amount of positive thoughts in their heads!) Regrets of the past and worries about the future can easily overshadow the present moment. Self-doubt can also take up a lot of space in the mind. When an excess of these types of thoughts take over in the brain, it can be stressful, upsetting, and sometimes even paralyzing.
The best way to clear this mental clutter is to process the thoughts, rather than letting them swim around in your brain. Doing so will allow you to focus on the present moment, and feel more calm and centered.
The following 3 methods have proven very helpful in clearing mental clutter.
1. Write
A great way to clear mental clutter is to transfer the thoughts from your brain onto paper. This can be in the form of a to-do list, an email to a supportive person in your life, or a journal entry. When the thoughts are recorded, there is no need for your brain to hold on to them.
Additionally, if you feel weighed down by a situation (like an argument with a family member) writing about it can help you process your feelings. You can get a better grip on the events, how you feel, and what you might have done differently. A page or two might be all it takes.
2. Talk
Many people with ADD are "verbal processors." This means that we often work through thoughts and feelings by talking them out. It helps to have an objective person to talk to, who can mirror your thoughts and talk them out with you. However, the very act of talking is often what does the trick, so having someone to talk to isn't always necessary. Many people find that talking into a tape recorder suits their needs. Others talk to plants or animals. (I talk to my dog so much that I'm surprised she doesn't talk back by now!)
3. Move
Some ADDers can clear mental clutter by moving. Something as simple as a 10-minute walk can give the brain a needed jolt. Others may find that they feel free of extraneous thoughts after a visit to the gym. The time alone combined with the physical activity proves to be a successful formula for some ADDers to work through their mental clutter.
It's best to experiment with the different methods and see which work best for you in the different areas of your life. The important thing to know is that with a little time-out, mental clutter can be cleared!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Misinformed Who Offer Their Advice

When it comes to health, fitness and working out, you and I carry many misbeliefs, as you'll quickly realize when you hear this story.
I was down in Tampa recently visiting my good friend Matt when he told me this story about a misunderstanding he had with his three year old son, Frank.
Matt and his wife were getting ready to go visit his parents, and to make things just a little easier on themselves, they decided to stop at Wendy's for dinner on the way.
They ordered chicken nuggets for Frank.
As it turned out, Frank really liked 'em.
A few weeks later, they had gone out to eat dinner at a family restaurant. When asked what he wanted for dinner, Frank said "chicken nuggets".
But once the waitress brought their dinner to the table, Frank felt that something was amiss.
He immediately announced that what the waitress brought him was indeed NOT chicken nuggets.
Of course Matt knew better, but the more he tried to convince his son Frank that the meal on his plate was indeed chicken nuggets, the more Frank resisted.
You see, since Frank already had chicken nuggets in the past, he had already formed an opinion as to what chicken nuggets were, and now that his opinion was being challenged, he was resisting.
And to be honest, it's really no different with us!
Even as adults, we have this mistaken philosophy that the first thing we learn about a subject is right, and anything we hear thereafter must be false.
But nothing could be further from the truth.
Let me give you a personal example.
I'm about ready to turn 39.
When I was in high school, back in the early 80's, I distinctly remember my teachers telling me that the way to be successful in life was to go to college, study hard and get a good education. That way I'd be able to get a great job that would last me the rest of my life.
My teachers had no reason to lie to me, so I believed them.
But over the course of the last 20+ years, I've found this advice to be totally wrong.
In fact, I've lost track of the amount of jobs I had.
You can probably relate.
How many jobs have you worked in during the course of your life?
In case you haven't noticed, things have changed. In this day and age, I venture to say that none of us will work for one company our entire life.
What used to be true years ago is simply no longer true today!
While my teachers may have meant well, the advice they gave me was incorrect. And the sad thing is, many people still swear by this advice to this day.
I tell you this to make a very important point:
Like the story of Frank, and what my teachers told me years ago, much of what you've heard or been told about health and fitness is also incorrect.
But it doesn't have to be that way any longer!